Altus-reciproxcimity™ (AR)
“The connection to all things matter, in time and space.”
What is the AR Frequency?
“Altus-reciproxcimity™ (AR) brings to proximity the frequency of higher being’s intelligence, protection, and joy.
It creates a field of magnetic resonance, and auric stability and repairs moments of trauma endured in the past or future times, as well as building a grounding force for the human vessel that will be exposed to this frequency.” The Council of AR
“This AR symbol has a distinctive meaning and energy frequency, conducive for helping and healing its user.
The center dot represents the human being. The lines that disperse from the center into all directions represent the energy and potential of the human being, expanded into all directions of time and space. The outer 6 lines represent the perfect hexagonal symmetry or axes of quartz. The 2 triangular shapes that create a star are here to remind us that we are all star seeds.” The Council of AR
“This AR symbol has a distinctive meaning and energy frequency, conducive for helping and healing its user.
The center dot represents the human being. The lines that disperse from the center into all directions represent the energy and potential of the human being, expanded into all directions of time and space. The outer 6 lines represent the perfect hexagonal symmetry or axes of quartz. The 2 triangular shapes that create a star are here to remind us that we are all star seeds.” The Council of AR
How can a Love a Crystal (LAC) charged with the AR frequency help you?
“Love a Crystal (LAC) charged crystals with the AR (Altus-Reciproximity™) frequency enhance the multidimensional connections of your Soul to your Spirit’s extraordinary potential. Your expansions and qualities will be activated with a simple touch and focused love given to these crystals.
Therefore, the energy of The Universal Creative Intelligence is transmitted into life force to a Human Soul during his/her life. It creates a fusion of consciousness into the completed Aura-Body-Soul-Spirit.
It therefore helps the person connect to their mission and potential. JOY is just the result of this beautiful activation. The connection to the possibilities of your true essence. The connection to the essence of life itself.” The Council of AR
What is the purpose of having a Love a Crystal (LAC) that has been activated in this way?
“The JOY factor is the play of life! The harmony is reached by total detachment of outcomes. The stories, the dramas, the betrayals, the disappointments no longer have meaning when the frequency of JOY takes the first row in the auric field.
These crystals are connecting you to the possibilities of your true essence. We sever old confusion and bring new and fresh cohesive contributions to your planet and to all who want this JOY frequency in your hearts. It is a matter of clearing the electrical fields that contaminate your brain in order to allow your natural right, to exist in JOY!” The Council of AR
May the frequency of AR (Altus-Reciproximity™) awaken your dormant Soul parts! The Council of AR


Journey throughTime and Space!
