This is my story!

My name is Sandra Muller, I am here to serve you as a Shamanic Healer, and a trance channeler to The Council of AR.

Sandra Muller - Love a Crystal - Shamanic practitioner - Channeling - Healer

In 2010, a near-death experience (NDE) ignited my commitment to helping others. I embraced my role as a LIGHT-WORKER, embarking on a healing journey despite dyslexia, guided by my intuition.

In 2016, cancer prompted more soul-searching. During treatment, I recognized challenges as opportunities, accelerating my spiritual awakening. Along this path, I explored diverse healing modalities, finding my strength in Shamanism.

My love for minerals, nurtured through gemology and jewelry design, blossomed during my advanced Shamanic studies. I deepened my connection with crystals, uncovering their unique stories and healing potential.

In 2019, I had my first live channeling experience, and it felt like second nature. I now trance channel The Council of AR (Altus-Reciproximity™) on my YouTube channel.

AR frequency (Altus-Reciproximity™) serves as a bridge to understanding the true nature of the Soul. It is the link to the unlimited true potential of a unique Soul. It restores life force, aligning the physical vessel with The Universal Creative Intelligence, God, Source, and Energy.

I’m deeply honored to receive these potent transmissions and fully embrace my life’s purpose as a shamanic practitioner and channeler.

Join me and transform your life!

With Love,

signature sandra muller
crystal blanc - Sandra Müller - Love a Crystal - Shamanic practitioner - Channeling - Healer

Degrees & Trainings

Basic Workshop-The Way of the Shaman, Two-Week Shamanic Healing Intensive, Shamanic Extraction Healing Training, Shamanism Dying and Beyond, Power Soul Retrieval Training, Shamanism in Practice, Advanced Shamanic Healing Practice, Shamanic Divination Training, Shamanism and the Spirits of Nature, Shamanism for Inspired Local & Global Change, Shamanic Worldview: Everything is Alive, Shamanic Healing, Knowledge & Power online Series trainings, Shamanism, Spirits, and Healing. Ongoing training for the 3 year intensive course.
Foundation for Shamanic Studies FSS, California, USA 2017 ongoing.

Reindeer Herder Shamanism, Continuing Exploration of the Shamanic Knowledge of Peoples of the North.
Shaman Tracks- Dana & Shana Robinson, Easton, USA, 2021

Crystal Healing Certification, Beginning & Intermediate
Crystal Academy of Advance Healing Arts, New York, 2017-2018

Formation en radiesthésie, clairevoyance, écriture automatique et soins énergétiques.
(Training in dowsing, clairvoyance, automatic writing and energy healing.)
Institut Métamorphose, Cavalaire sur Mer, France, 2017

Graduate Gemologist G.G.
Graduate jewelry design & technology
GIA Gemological Institute of America, Santa Monica USA, 1981

heal your wounds - Sandra Muller - Love a Crystal - Shamanic practitioner - Channeling - Healer

Healyour Wounds!

be the solution - Sandra Muller - Love a Crystal - Shamanic practitioner - Channeling - Healer

Bethe Solution!

regain your power - Sandra Muller - Love a Crystal - Shamanic practitioner - Channeling - Healer

Regainyour Power!

connect to crystals - Sandra Muller - Love a Crystal - Shamanic practitioner - Channeling - Healer

Connectto Crystals!