A shamanic journey home to CRYSTAL-CLEAR JOY!
By Sandra Muller
Channeler, crystal healer and shamanic practitioner Sandra Müller introduces the reader to a group of highly evolved and loving Helping Spirits known as The Council of AR. Her interactions with The Council are flavored with whimsical tales based on shamanic journeys that engage the reader while bringing forth wisdom to assist us in facing the mysteries of our aliveness that include fear, sadness, and depression while ultimately guiding us to the innate CRYSTAL-CLEAR JOY in our hearts…
We encounter many Souls on our path, each day, each moment, each second. None as beautiful as you. This goes for all human beings walking this Earth with gratitude in their hearts!The Council of AR
In the breath, exists all the Magic.The Council of AR
In the unbearable pain of existence, there is also the most beautiful stillness of the moment. During the dark night, direct your essence to reconnect to the stillness and your essence. In this stillness the real essence of you exists: Your Soul.The Council of AR
Remain an observer, with no entanglements. Connect to your inner state of JOY, through the wisdom of your already learned experiences!The Council of AR
May your vessel merge with the Divine presence that inhabits each one of your molecules. May this merging show you the Magic!The Council of AR
There is no life given to a Soul in vain. There is always a purpose.The Council of AR
Every time you touch a LOVEaCRYSTAL (LAC), AR frequency activated Quartz crystal, remember it has a heartbeat, it is alive!The Council of AR
CRYSTAL-CLEAR JOY! – Full Synopsis
Channeler, crystal healer and shamanic practitioner Sandra Muller introduces the reader to a group of highly evolved and loving Helping Spirits known as The Council of AR. Her interactions with The Council are flavored with whimsical tales based on shamanic journeys that engage the reader while bringing forth wisdom to assist us in facing the mysteries of our aliveness that include fear, sadness, and depression while ultimately guiding us to the innate CRYSTAL-CLEAR JOY in our hearts.
Bringing this wisdom into sharp focus is the link between CRYSTALS and their healing capacity. Using the practical and simple instruction presented, the reader finds teachings that are intended to allow healing in our hearts, as well as help us access higher codes of ethics so that we can embark on a JOY-filled Journey of our own evolution and life fulfillment.
We can learn to thrive as we explore the nature of Helping Spirits; the healing frequency of AR (Altus-Reciproximity™) and how it relates to an activated quartz crystal; the role of the mineral world on Earth; why Sandra became the vehicle of collaboration with The Council of AR; and, how to create a healing TEMPLE of LIGHT in our homes and offices using the AR frequency-activated Quartzes sold at
This unique book is written in clear, JOY-filled language that immediately initiates balance and healing within the reader. Sandra’s many past lives working as a healer and with crystals allow her to skillfully communicate the teachings of The Council of AR and instill in us the importance and JOY of working with frequency-activated Quartz at this pivotal time in the world.
“I feel so light in my body when I read this book. No resistance at all. It is like I have tapped into a higher frequency and It feels so good. Just like the title of the book. This book is absolutely fantastic. I didn’t know what to expect when I started to read it. So I opened it up with an open mind and It just made me fly. I highly recommend this book. It really is an amazing book, with an amazing energy.”
Sahra Green (Book reviewer)
“I am fairly new to investigating the esoteric arts. Much is written about increasing one’s consciousness, a coming ascension, and similar fascinating and fantastical notions spewed by self-appointed seminar speakers and writers. To the extent that these concepts might be true is intriguing, yet deciphering what teacher is truly knowledgeable is a challenge. Sandra Muller has undertaken an extensive study of the shamanic arts from acknowledged teachers who preserve the ancient knowledge. In this book, Sandra reveals truths that lay beyond our human perception. Personally, I felt energy vibrating from the pages.”
“I actually met the author of this book on an expedition in Egypt in late 2022. She gifted and signed an advance copy of this book for me. She explained that she did not write it. It was “downloaded” to her. Although we spent 15 days on the same tour, we did not get much of a change to get to know each other. However, the experience was so profound, that even as strangers we all feel bonded by the shared experience, That said, regarding the this book – I have to say it is magical. Very simple, clear language. I keep it in my recording studio and artists will pick it up and begin reading it. I have a severe reading disability but the syntax is very well suited for me. I can pick it up and just get little bits here and there – that always seem to apply to what is happening ATM. I have several friends now that have been making contact with higher beings in various ways and the messages are very consistent (and well represented in this book). It feeds, soothes my souls in a very good way. If you have been guided to read this – I urge you to get the book, put it where it catches your eye. You will see what I mean.”
“What can I say other than this book has helped heal my soul! It is hard to deal with all the negatives in this world, especially today, but reading through has offered insights and knowledge that have helped me be at peace. I can look at things in a different way now, focusing on love and healing and growing the soul. I cannot recommend this enough for anyone trying to improve their understanding of life and their own journey.”