Shamanic Long-Distance Healing with Sandra Muller

What can I expect from a long-distance healing? “They (client) should not expect anything but they can hope and acknowledge the entrance to a new world within their hearts where lessons of life will be shown to them and they (client) will start to make sense of the puzzle of their lives. Maybe an aha moment, maybe nothing will seem to happen but at a deeper level, something utterly valuable…

Private Shamanic In-Person Healing with Sandra Muller

What can I expect from a Private In-Person healing? “They (client) should not expect anything but they can hope and acknowledge the entrance to a new world within their hearts where lessons of life will be shown to them and they (client) will start to make sense of the puzzle of their lives. Maybe an aha moment, maybe nothing will seem to happen but at a deeper level, something utterly…

Shamanic Long-Distance Animal Healing with Sandra Muller

What can I expect from a channeling session for an animal that has crossed over? “We, souls never go too far away from the ones who have loved us and from the ones with whom we have links of love on planet earth. But, rest time for the soul is also important, so not too much time must be asked or called in to the departed animal’s soul. They have their busy lives here too. But…

CCHE – Worldwide

Welcome to CCHE - Crystal Clear Healing Energies CCHE starts on December 12, 2023 Subscribe now to CCHE! Welcome to CCHE – Crystal Clear Healing Energies, where we embrace the transformative power of daily healing activations and The AR Frequency download. This incredible healing frequency is accessible to those open to its profound benefits, allowing you to invite healing into…


What is CCHE? Discover CRYSTAL CLEAR HEALING ENERGY (CCHE), a daily transformative healing experience for all who join. This healing energy, synchronized with a specific hour according to your location, is delivered by The Council of AR, a group of compassionate Helping Spirits closely linked with Sandra Muller. This unique frequency is accessible to those ready to embrace its profound…