What can I expect from a long-distance healing?
What can I expect from a long-distance healing?
“They (client) should not expect anything but they can hope and acknowledge the entrance to a new world within their hearts where lessons of life will be shown to them and they (client) will start to make sense of the puzzle of their lives.
Maybe an aha moment, maybe nothing will seem to happen but at a deeper level, something utterly valuable will have started by the mere fact that they asked for a healing, making this action a door opening, so to speak.
Various reactions can occur.
The most important being a subtle allowing at first for a new frequency to integrate in their magnetic field, their auras and maybe their hearts.
We do not withdraw the possibility of a total healing but we cannot assure it. Since it is them (client) who will do their own healing according to the allowance of energies that they (client) will allow in their field.
You (Sandra) and we (Council of AR) are just providing this help as a possibility.
A possibility that can encompass a total link to the possible results that they (client) have asked for.
To manifest these results, it is them (client) who will either loosen their reins or tighten them as if riding a horse in order to command allowance or even a total stop.
The subconscious mind works very much in this way.
This is the reason why the client needs to be fully invested for an improvement of a situation or a healing to occur.
We can only provide the contained healing frequency for this to be able to happen.
As a client loosens up their guard, more can happen, more understanding of the puzzle of their lives can be revealed, therefore connecting the pieces and then revelations and understanding can begin to happen for the client.
A soul’s complexity is revealed and therefore the soul releases the horses’ reins so that the true journey of that soul can start to unfold.
The less resistance there is, the more wellbeing, the more love can enter and manifest in all aspects of that person’s life.
The process involves letting go.”
Channeling with the Council of AR