The Golden Sword
What is this symbol for? “It is the symbol of conquering, of winning over, of the victory accessed when your intention is strong. If you want to heal a part of you that is weak and stubborn, that does not want to change or evolve, you can…
“Restrict your fears of the future…
“Restrict your fears of the future for a moment in time, and accept the beauty that resides inside your hearts now. Point-blank! You find controversy so alluring, this is an addiction like any other addiction! Stay centered inside yourself,…
What is FREE WILL?
“Each minute and second, the desires felt during your days push you forward to create new paths. That pull, that push, that desire, is the will that takes you places and gives you the physical and mental energy to accomplish every task. From the…
"May all the hearts pumping with life force at this very moment connect as One. May their union include the Universe. May each one feel part of the Ether and of the ALL. Disconnection is what creates dis-union and therefore a feeling of being lost,…
Please give me a message for all, I ask My Power Animal and I travel through the veil to the Upper World. We sit, and our hands, and paws touch. Our third eyes merge together in order for me to receive a transmission. “There is always much…