"May all the hearts pumping with life force at this very moment connect as One.
May their union include the Universe.
May each one feel part of the Ether and of the ALL.
Disconnection is what creates dis-union and therefore a feeling of being lost, of not belonging.
You are not just belonging to Earthly families and friends, you are one with the entire forces of the Universal Creation.
Integrate yourself to the ALL in your next breath with simple thought and allowance.
The feeling will take you there.
Trust that all is well at all times.
Trust that the entire Universe exists inside your very essence and that you exist in the ALL joined by a thread of Lifeforce.
And when the vessel finishes its lifespan on Earth, more beautiful adventures await on the other side of the spectrum.
Prepare for this transition on a daily basis so that when your time comes,
you simply recognize this old friend, death, and embrace it in total love."
31 JANUARY, 2023
All Transmissions and Channelings Sandra Muller receives from THE COUNCIL of AR are copyrighted. Please request permission to use [email protected]
Please give me a message for all, I ask
My Power Animal and I travel through the veil to the Upper World.
We sit, and our hands, and paws touch. Our third eyes merge together in order for me to receive a transmission.
“There is always much pain in the injustice, darkness, sadness, and loneliness taking place
at this very second on Planet Earth.
But We assure you that you are not left unnoticed or uncared for, not even for a second.
We exist within your very essence and We are the source of Life Force inside your vessel.
We are always giving you free will and choices to embark on various adventures.
Many times this freedom dispatches you to dead-ends.
These can build up fear, pain, sorrow, and frustration in you.
Since energies and vibrations have a ripple effect,
These negative disturbances are amplified and sent far into the Universe, creating even more disharmony.
But if you allow a flow of energy to move these sensations, you will access clarity.
In the dark night of the Soul, only one thing can be done: Surrender.
Surrender to THE ALL-POWERFUL and accept the frequency of a beggar where nothing, in particular, is envisioned, just survival and well-being.
This state of blank nothingness is the fastest way to allow Creation to guide you again
and place you back in the instant
when you took a wrong turn and lost the perception of the correct path for you.
By surrendering you assure yourself a rescue.
And therefore a feeling of tranquility back in your heart.
You will always fall.
That, We can assure you. Falling is part of The Game of Life.
It always brings lessons and evolution for the Soul encased inside a vessel.
We can also assure you with total certainty that We never could be capable of disconnecting from you,
since We, The energy of the Universal Creation, are in your essence, in your cells.
Therefore We can never abandon you, even in moments of total despair.
We are linked to your Heart, to your Soul, and to your Essence.
Rest assured, We are always here for you. “
*All Channelings between Sandra Müller and THE COUNCIL of AR are Copyright © and cannot be reproduced without Sandra’s permission. [email protected] *More Channelings with THE COUNCIL of AR is available in the New book
A Shamanic Journey home to CRYSTAL-CLEAR JOY! Channeled conversations with THE COUNCIL of AR
What are Harry&Meghan creating at this time?
What are Harry and Meghan creating at this time?
“They are a catalyst for the evolution on Planet Earth.
Their Soul’s contracts are playing an important part in balancing justice
in order for humans to continue their evolution.
Friction is a way that can create change in order for growth to happen.
They are only players in a random theater play that needs to occur for the benefit of all,
for the benefit of Earth's evolution.
Their public figures are of use at this moment in time for the world to evolve
and prepare for a more just evolution for human beings.
They must play their roles of victims in order
for their Souls to come around and learn
that being or accepting a victim’s role will entail much more controversy in their lives
then the progress they would have acquired for their Souls from
accepting their own painful circumstances.
What goodness can a victim role gain you?
The color of the skin or race of a human being only comes from the diversity of seeding
that was done millions of years ago by the ancient civilizations that first populated this Earth.
It would be more advantageous for them to earn respect from their willingness
to portray their happiness and engagement to love all,
including each royal family member and each member of the UK parliament,
and show them that love is the winner.
Humans are only playing roles in order to make evolution continue to happen.
No one is a victim, each person has a role to play and each role must be taken into consideration.
Diana knew her role as a Queen of hearts, and her death was fulfilled in perfect time, not a second in delay.
She had the role that she had accepted to portray.
When the concept of good and bad rules humans, confusion spreads more confusion.
Acceptance of darkness is needed in everyone's life.
No matter how public or insignificant a life can look, the players always play the same game of duality
so that evolution can continue as it is meant to continue.
Stop judging with your limited brains.
Always focus your thoughts on the lessons you are learning and the attainment of clarity.
All is well at all times.
Only a heart focused on its own connection to Source can obtain the contentment it is looking for.
All dramas seem so petty and irrelevant when the heart is in the state of connection to Source.
Every day connect to the inner link that directly connects you to Source in every instance.
Do not be lured by ongoing dramas that are being played left and right.
Stay focused on the immense opportunity that is being offered to you at this moment in time.
You are alive, you are breathing.
Stay focused on feeling this aliveness
and the possibility of feeling CRYSTAL-CLEAR JOY! Blessings to all. "
December 8th, 2022.
All Channelings between Sandra Müller and THE COUNCIL of AR are Copyright ©
and by no means can it be reproduced without Sandra’s permission. [email protected]
What does transmutation mean? I ask
"Transmutation is a way to go much deeper and expand your capabilities, solve your own life’s mysteries,
and access knowledge.
Each one has an open vault of endless knowledge that perhaps has not been accessed due to fear of the unknown, worries of tomorrow, or simply because of giving priority to all that has not been achieved or experienced yet.
It is crucial to know yourself.
It is important to peel the layers and slowly, respectfully, encounter the real essence of your Soul’s heart, self-knowledge, memories, and healing medicine.
It is most valuable for each human being incarnated on Planet Earth at this moment in time to work on themselves and find ways to go inside.
This can be done in so many ways.
It can be through contemplation, painting, walking, singing, dancing, and primarily through breath.
What could be of more value than these moments of transformations and of transmutations inside one's heart, especially at this very moment in time when Planet Earth is going through immense shifts and changes?
It is important for each human Soul to find ways to reach within their own core, their own essence, and allow themselves to have their own visions, their own epiphanies, and understandings.
It is vital to give yourself this time daily.
We suggest that you stop what you're doing and allow a few minutes, to just focus on breathing and simple moments of nothingness where the heart and the Soul find each other through the breath.
For a few seconds, in between each breath, there is a moment of nothingness.
We assure you that in that nothingness, is the portal you need to activate.
This portal is right there in that instant of nothingness where there are no words, there are no sounds, and there is nothing more than the essence of you being alive.
This moment of nothingness is your opening!
That is the portal! That is the doorway that will take you deep inside yourself.
In that nothingness exists everything.
Find yourself in that nothingness.
Find yourself comfortable in that place where you just exist.
Become the feeling machine that your vessel is made for.
You are not here to accomplish important tasks that will leave behind your name inscribed on stone.
You are simply here to experience the ALL that you are, the incredible beauty that you are.
This beauty does not need to be shared or noticed, it can only be felt.
It can only be stored inside your heart.
It can only be accessed and explored within your next breath.
How marvelous it is that a human vessel, in order to have life, needs breath.
You are so impeccably well manufactured, that in order to stay alive, the human vessel needs to breathe, and in that breath, exists the portal, for you and for all to experience the essence of who you are.
The message that we want to give today is about transmutation, to transmute, to go through.
To go through that veil and explore the inner realms, the inner Universes that exist within.
Do not fear these beautiful Universes.
These Universes are your true home, where the Peace that you are looking for resides.
Allow yourself to relax, breathe in silence and go within.
Explore the inner realms of your own core, of your own essence.
You're all capable of doing this with ease and comfort.
Many are wanting to learn to meditate, but meditation does not exist.
What does exist is an inner palace inside of you that is as real as you are,
and that can be accessed through each breath, within a few seconds of nothingness in between each breath.
This is your portal, this is the entrance to your inner realm.
The more you give it your focus, the easier it will become,
and you will get used to it very soon and will be capable of doing this with ease and comfort.
We are eager to show you how to access these inner worlds, that maybe you have not yet explored.
Each human being is alive because of this breath coming in and going out.
So all human beings are able to use breath as a portal to journey inside.
And what is inside? Well, inside of you is all the information you seek.
Accessing that information keeps you balanced and keeps you in Peace.
This information is meant to be felt.
As much as you always want to use your intellect, your intellect cannot be used by itself. It needs to be fueled by feeling.
Feelings are your fuel.
Let us give you an example;
If you needed to do an important phone call, let's say a business phone call,
wouldn't it be better first to take a moment to explore the inner realms
and know by feeling when it is adequate to reach out to another human being.
Everything that you do in your daily life can be done better when it is done through this portal.
You will learn, through this transmutation to access what you like to call telepathy, which we call know-how.
Without the connection to your Spirit, the vessel will stay empty.
Empty of this know-how.
You are incapable of finding these inner realms through the intellect.
Do not waste your time and fool yourselves.
Please allow your heart to connect to the immensity of the Universe through your breath.
This is the way you were made to function. Thank you.”
Channeling received on November 6, 2022
This material is protected by copyright.
“Soul retrieval, nature contemplation, music, dance, sleep, meditation, conscious breath,
Earth grounding, silence, and most of all, trust, acceptance, and surrender.
Reset the direction of your mainsail for the wind to kick in again, and guide you with no doubts,
no confusion, and/or distortions. One must allow.
We can then grant you more love which will enter your field while you sleep,
and your cells can receive it without judgment.
Furthermore, we can envelop your body with the pungent smell of a perfect rose
so that you can become filled, and your cells can rejuvenate.
We can also add in you a little fervor for life when your stamina is low.
We know how it is to be human, most of us have had this experience.
Rejoice in knowing that We, THE COUNCIL of AR are with you at all times.
Even while you sleep, when you travel so far and deep into other realms.”
Excerpt From book
Sandra Müller
This material is protected by copyright.
What does transmutation mean? I ask
“Transmutation is the transformation of the heart through the discovery of the various layers of the Soul.
It is beneficial for each human being to peel these layers and find the core of her own essence.
We have noticed that humans stay on the surface of their lives, emotions, know-how, and wisdom.
Transmutation is a way to go much more profound and expand your capabilities,
solve your own life’s mysteries and access knowledge.
Each one has an open vault of endless knowledge that perhaps has not been accessed due
to fear of the unknown, worries of tomorrow, or simply because of giving priority
to all that has not been achieved or experienced yet.
It is crucial to know yourself.
It is important to peel the layers and slowly, respectfully,
encounter the real essence of your Soul’s heart, self-knowledge, memories, and healing medicine.
It is most valuable for each human being incarnated on Planet Earth at this moment in time
to work on themselves and find ways to go inside.
This can be done in so many ways.
It can be through contemplation, painting, walking, singing, dancing, and especially through breath.
What could be of more value than these moments of transformations and of transmutations inside one's heart, especially at this very moment in time when Planet Earth is going through immense shifts and changes?
It is important for each human Soul to find ways to reach within their own core, their own essence,
and allow themselves to have their own visions, their own epiphanies, and understandings.
It is vital to give yourself this time daily.
We suggest that you stop what you're doing and allow a few minutes, to just focus on breathing
and simple moments of nothingness where the heart and the Soul find each other through the breath.
For a few seconds, in between each breath, there is a moment of nothingness.
We assure you that in that nothingness, is the portal you are needing to activate.
This portal is right there in that instant of nothingness where there are no words, there are no sounds,
and there is nothing more than the essence of you being alive.
This moment of nothingness is your opening!
That is the portal! That is the doorway that will take you deep inside yourself.
In that nothingness exists everything.
Find yourself in that nothingness.
Find yourself comfortable in that place where you just exist.
Become the feeling machine that your vessel is made for.
You are not here to accomplish important tasks that will leave behind your name inscribed on stone.
You are simply here to experience the ALL that you are, the incredible beauty that you are.
This beauty does not need to be shared or noticed, it can only be felt.
It can only be stored inside your heart.
It can only be accessed and explored within your next breath.
How marvelous it is that a human vessel, in order to have life, needs breath.
You are so impeccably well manufactured, that in order to stay alive, the human vessel needs to breathe,
and in that breath, exists the portal, for you and for all to experience the essence of who you are.
The message that we want to give today is about transmutation, to transmute, to go through.
To go through that veil and explore the inner realms, the inner Universes that exist within.
Do not fear these beautiful Universes.
These Universes are your true home, where the Peace that you are looking for resides.
Allow yourself to relax, breathe in silence and go within.
Explore the inner realms of your own core, of your own essence.
You're all capable of doing this with ease and comfort.
Many are wanting to learn to meditate, but meditation does not exist.
What does exist is an inner palace inside of you that is as real as you are,
and that can be accessed through each breath,
within a few seconds of nothingness in between each breath.
This is your portal, this is the entrance to your inner realm.
The more you give it your focus, the easier it will become,
and you will get used to it very soon and will be capable of doing this with ease and comfort.
We are eager to show you how to access these inner worlds, that maybe you have not yet explored.
Each human being is alive because of this breath coming in and going out.
So all human beings are able to use breath as a portal to journey inside.
And what is inside? Well, inside of you is all the information you seek.
Accessing that information keeps you balanced and keeps you in Peace.
This information is meant to be felt.
As much as you always want to use your intellect,
your intellect cannot be used by itself. It needs to be fueled by feeling.
Feelings are your fuel.
Let us give you an example;
If you needed to do an important phone call, let's say a business phone call,
wouldn't it be better to first take a moment to explore the inner realms
and know by feeling when it is adequate to reach out to another human being.
Everything that you do in your daily life can be done better when it is done through this portal.
You will learn, through this transmutation to access what you like to call telepathy, which we call know-how.
Without the connection to your Spirit, the vessel will stay empty.
Empty of this know-how.
You are incapable of finding these inner realms through the intellect.
Do not waste your time and fool yourselves.
Please allow your heart to connect to the immensity of the Universe through your breath.
This is the way you were made to function. Thank you.”
Channeling received on November 6, 2022
The "Inner Flame" Citrine Crystal
Message channeled of this AR Frequency downloaded crystal
December 28, 2021
Would you like to give me a message and what is your name?
“Yes, my name is INNER FLAME.
I am the Inner Flame for those who would like to connect to the essence of the part of themselves that wants and needs to wake up from a dormant state.
The ones who need more Spirit Power and connection to their own essence.
I emanate love and strong willpower in the ones looking at me and connecting with me,
to allow and activate more fire in their lives.
Since a dormant state is no longer adequate for humanity.
A wake-up call to embody an Inner Flame connection to life purpose activated into action.
My abundant emanations of love turned into activations for the ones who yearn
to have a stronger connection to self-empowerment of the ecstasy available to all human hearts.
In solitude and prayer, the ultimate yoga, silence of the mind, connection to Soul, and fusion to Spirit essence.
My numerology is 6.
6 is the waking up of an enclosed Soul.
Once the O sphere becomes open to express itself, then the Spirit connection to Soul is activated.
6 is the opening energy of a closed-up nucleus.
6 is activation.
6 is the authority of willpower to activate the Soul.
The O sphere can roll down a hill and never stop, but once it is open to becoming a 6,
then it naturally stops and can anchor itself to grow from a seed into a tree,
opening up energies to all universal laws of expansion. “
Thank you! “You are welcome!”
Would you like to embody the AR frequencies, I ask? “Yes”
I then downloaded the AR frequency into the INNER FLAME Quartz crystal.
La trouvaille la plus éclairante ....
"La trouvaille la plus éclairante ce passe dans vôtre coeur a tout moment.
Nôtre origine dans vôtre nucleus de vie, commencera a s'intégrer sur cette planète
avec des êtres élémentaires et humains.
Nous gardons une surveillance sur tout être a coeur ouvert.
Ne regretter rien.
Vous êtes des âmes intégrées a nous, dans vôtre sommeil quotidiens.
Nous voyons un grand changement pour l'humanité.
La division ce feras très vite.
N'ayez pas peur car vous serez au bonne endroit et au bon moment.
Nous vous assurons ça.
Votre âme est déjà informée de tout changement de direction spontanée.
Ne regretter pas le passé, car le future vous feras re découvrir de très belles expériences énergétiques.
Vous serez aimé a tout moment.
Vous serez aidé a passer les épreuves les plus durs.
Soyez respectueux avec vos proches, car ils auront peur, et vous les protègerais avec votre énergie bienveillante.
Nous vous aimons tous."
The Council of AR
15 Décembre, 2021
"It is to say that what is happening today to the Planet Earth...
"It is to say that what is happening today to Planet Earth is of most value, of most precise precision.
An instant of change for all.
We acknowledge all the ones who are opening their hearts to these ancient waves of depletion and of re-construction.
We are inhabiting those ones who allow us in.
The ones who call us in prayers and valuable openness of the heart.
None have to know a particular certain way of openness.
Just the slightest intention of connection is enough for us to see their sparkle among the darkness
that Planet Earth is emanating at this moment in time.
These sparkles illuminate so bright that we see them from the furthest star.
Accelerate your light by prayer and conscious intent of merging with Source.
Today, the vortex is open for those who call upon us to merge with their auras and light bodies.
Send this message far to all points of Planet Earth.
Today your Souls can find appeasement of pain and exhaustion.
Stop what you are busy doing.
Come together with your intent of love and light for all.
Today marks a moment of decision for the future of Planet Earth.
Synchronize your hearts in prayer.
We will activate and multiply these sparks of light.
The start of an activation of a new ascension is today.
Light candles and merge with the light.
Trust the process.
Recite this intention:"
The Council of AR
November 6, 2021